When to See a Fertility Specialist

When to See a Fertility Specialist

Women under 35 typically need to seek fertility specialist care after trying unsuccessfully for one year and for those over 35 six months to become pregnant.

Women under 35 typically need to seek fertility specialist care after trying unsuccessfully for one year and for those over 35 six months to become pregnant.

But there are certain situations in which it would be prudent not to wait: irregular periods, ovulation issues or any symptoms suggestive of endometriosis or fibroids are indicators that it’s best to see your healthcare provider sooner rather than later.

1. You’re over 35 – seek advice from a fertility specialist

Women over 35 who are trying to conceive should seek advice from a fertility specialist after one year of trying, given that female fertility tends to decrease with age and that getting pregnant after this point becomes more challenging.

Women should consult with a fertility specialist if they experience two or more miscarriages within one year. Miscarriage can sometimes signal medical issues like uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts or an irregular menstrual cycle which need further diagnosis.

Couples over 40 should consult a male fertility specialist (called urologists). Studies show that half of infertility issues stem from male factors; understanding their options and improving chances of conception through fertility treatment could improve chances for success. Furthermore, egg freezing has become more popular recently and could provide couples with options if they wish to start families later on in life.

2. You’ve been trying for a year – consult a fertility specialist

One year is generally accepted as the golden rule when it comes to consulting with a fertility specialist, however in certain instances earlier consultation could be beneficial. If either you or your partner have experienced repeated miscarriages (known as recurrent pregnancy loss) this could indicate something is preventing a healthy pregnancy from progressing to term.

Fertility specialists can assist in diagnosing and treating fertility issues by conducting tests to evaluate your ovaries’ health as well as how many eggs remain. In some cases, this might even include performing FSH and LH tests to gauge health concerns further.

If either of you have a history of reproductive conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome or endometriosis, consulting a fertility specialist early could be invaluable in protecting future options – egg or embryo freezing could provide crucial strategies that preserve future attempts at pregnancy when needed.

3. You’ve been trying for six months

Women should seek professional assistance after trying for six months to conceive. Finding an optimal fertility clinic may take time; for assistance in selecting one it’s helpful to ask your gynecologist or primary care doctor for referrals to suitable specialists.

Fertility specialists know how to monitor your cycle and can prescribe medication that can induce ovulation, helping ensure consistent periods and ovulation.

Miscarriages occur frequently – 15-25% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage – but having two consecutive miscarriages indicates a problem in your reproductive health. A fertility specialist can assess your symptoms and conduct additional testing to pinpoint the source of miscarriage; they may even offer medications like Clomid or other fertility drugs as possible solutions to improve chances of healthy pregnancy. They have extensive knowledge about treating various female reproductive conditions.

4. You’ve been trying for more than a year

If you have been trying for more than one year to conceive, it may be time to see a fertility specialist. While a year is an appropriate benchmark, some women and men should see one sooner.

Conception and pregnancy are intricate biological processes, requiring the simultaneous alignment of numerous factors such as healthy eggs and sperm, unobstructed fallopian tubes, and intercourse during an ovulation cycle. If any of these issues are hindering you from becoming pregnant, it may be wise to consult a fertility specialist (also called reproductive endocrinologist).

Fertility specialists receive years of advanced training, specifically focused on treating infertility. At your initial visit, they will review your medical and family histories before performing physical exams and conducting fertility tests, such as vaginal ultrasounds, blood work analyses and semen analysis to help assess fertility problems. Furthermore, they will discuss your fertility goals before creating a personalized treatment plan to help meet them.

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