Pregnancy Safety – Common Concerns Addressed

Pregnancy Safety – Common Concerns Addressed

Address common concerns and ensure pregnancy safety with expert insights! Explore proactive measures for a worry-free journey. Empower yourself with knowledge on navigating common worries during pregnancy. Start embracing a safe and joyful pregnancy experience!

Pregnant workers generally can work safely in most occupations; however, certain hazards present a greater risk. Such hazards include chemicals exposure, radiation and secondhand smoke.

Pregnant women must carefully read medication labels to be informed about indications, risks and warnings related to pregnancy. While FDA’s new pregnancy rating system on medication labeling helps with patient counseling and interpretation, clinical interpretation still needs individualized consideration.

1. Heartburn

Chances are, if you have ever been pregnant, then heartburn has likely been an uncomfortable part of the experience. Officially known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), heartburn occurs when acidic stomach juices back up into the esophagus – the tube connecting mouth and stomach – typically during the second and third trimester of gestation.

Early pregnancy progesterone levels can relax the muscle surrounding the esophagus and allow stomach contents to back up into your throat, further aggravating heartburn symptoms. Furthermore, as your uterus expands and pushes upward, so may stomach contents move upward further exacerbating heartburn symptoms.

Antacids and histamine-2 receptor antagonists have generally been proven safe during pregnancy, according to large studies. While taking any medications may not pose any fetal harm risks, it’s still advisable to contact your healthcare provider if pregnant and taking medications.

Make sure to use the FDA Pregnancy and Lactation Exposure Registry when taking medications or vaccines that could potentially pose risks to an unborn fetus, such as medications or vaccines. This database records any risks for unborn babies from exposure.

2. Excessive Weight Gain

Pregnancy can be a joyful time, but for some women it can pose health complications. According to Cleveland Clinic research, pregnancy acts as a stressor that increases risks associated with high blood pressure and diabetes as well as worsen existing mental health conditions like depression.

Women who begin their pregnancies as overweight are at increased risk of gestational diabetes and high blood pressure during gestation, as well as caesarean sections and giving birth to larger than average babies, known as macrosomia.

Studies have demonstrated the power of diet and supervised exercise to mitigate gestational weight gain. One pooled analysis of 24 trials saw their risk decrease by 20% while in another sensitivity analysis that excluded five trials judged high risk, they saw the same positive result.

Certain medications, including common over-the-counter options like acetaminophen and antacids, can have adverse effects on fetal development. This is because pregnancy changes how mother absorbs medications; some drugs can reach the fetus through her mother. Therefore, it is crucial that pregnant mothers discuss any medication use with their healthcare providers during their pregnancies to maximize results while minimizing risks to mother and fetus alike.

3. Pregnancy-Related Illnesses

Pregnant women are particularly prone to infection during gestation due to hormonal fluctuations and increased mucus production, making it easier for pathogenic organisms to enter the body and spread infection. While infections during pregnancy don’t always prove dangerous, severe infections could have serious repercussions for both mother and baby if left untreated.

Pregnancy-related illnesses are extremely prevalent, often including morning sickness, extreme exhaustion, back pain and bleeding. Pregnant employees are more likely to miss work because of pregnancy-related illness compared with nonpregnant employees – which could affect their pay. Furthermore, many workplaces have rules regarding how long employees can remain off due to pregnancy-related sickness; it’s therefore recommended that women seek advice from their physician or midwife if they want to ensure their absence meets with company policies regarding workplace sick leave policies.

Every day in the US, one woman dies from pregnancy-related issues. Bleeding, hypertension, and sepsis are the leading causes; treatment options exist that could potentially save their lives. Furthermore, developing countries are 36 times more likely to experience complications because of lack of access to appropriate medical care and inadequate obstetric resources – contributing significantly to maternal mortality rates.

Race plays an essential part in pregnancy-related deaths. Communities of color tend to experience higher rates of illness, injury and mortality due to racism that restricts their access to regular healthcare and negatively impacts outcomes during and post pregnancy.

4. Pregnancy-Related Injuries

Around 700 women per year succumb to pregnancy-related complications, such as mental health issues, cardiovascular conditions and obstetric hemorrhage. Maternal mortality reviews conducted across 13 states and the District of Columbia have demonstrated that most of these deaths can be avoided through better planning.

Medical errors such as misdiagnosis and failure to treat symptoms properly can play a role. Chronic severe diseases, including high blood pressure and diabetes can also play an influential role. Pregnant women carrying multiple fetuses also face increased risks; other contributing factors may include maternal age at conception, race/ethnic background and community characteristics.

Randi Smith, M.D. from Penn Medicine’s Department of Traumatology and Critical Care conducted research that revealed pregnant trauma victims are three times more likely to die at hospital than non-pregnant trauma victims after experiencing violent events – research which was awarded with the 2017 S. Leon Israel Award from Philadelphia chapter of American College of Surgeons based on data analyzing admissions into Pennsylvania trauma centers between 2005 and 2015.

March of Dimes recognizes that many factors contribute to pregnancy-related injuries and deaths in the U.S., such as unnecessary C-sections, limited access to prenatal/postnatal care services, disparate rates among people of color and increasing numbers of older women becoming pregnant and giving birth. We must work collaboratively toward providing fair, just, full access to health care and healthy living opportunities for all families.


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