Maternity and Baby Clothes Shopping Tips

Maternity and Baby Clothes Shopping Tips

Shop smarter for maternity and baby clothes with expert tips! Explore insights into finding stylish, comfortable options. Empower your pregnancy journey with savvy shopping tips for both you and your little one.

As early as possible, it’s wise to begin shopping for maternity clothes, so your bump won’t outgrow its pre-pregnancy apparel too quickly. Furthermore, the earlier you shop for them the lower their prices may be.

Be mindful when purchasing clothing that fits too loosely; baggy shirts and pants may become uncomfortable during pregnancy and beyond. Instead, look for pieces with an elegant drape and that fit you comfortably throughout gestation and beyond.

1. Choose Comfort Over Style

One of the key aspects of shopping for baby clothing should be comfort. Avoid purchasing clothing that won’t fit, like an adorable outfit that won’t fit after only a few months have gone by. Instead, rent or shop for staple pieces that will grow with your child while remaining easy to dress them.

So that you can avoid the stress and hassle of running back and forth to stores with an unsettled newborn, shopping can become much simpler. When selecting clothing for your newborn, try searching for stretchy body suits with easy fasteners; clothing made from soft materials like cotton will help them feel at ease and avoid irritating wool or synthetic fabrics from irritating their delicate skin.

Considerations must also be given to how easily babies become messy, so clothing with snaps or zippers allows for quick changes during diaper blowouts or nighttime feedings.

2. Look For Easy Changes

When shopping for maternity clothes, prioritize items with buttons instead of zippers, avoiding those that feature fringe or strings as these could become strangulation hazards. Also invest in at least one or two pairs with adjustable waistbands so they can grow with you during your gestation period.

As part of your maternity wardrobe basics, stockpiling camisole tops, t-shirts and cardigans is wise – these will allow you to mix and match outfits easily! Additionally, consider investing in some skirts and dresses made of stretch fabrics that will adapt with your body and don’t forget a few pairs of comfortable jeans for later on!

Once you’ve culled out clothing that no longer fits, organize and store larger sizes in bins that can easily be accessed later. This will give you space to shop for baby clothing without overspending on them! Alternatively, ask similarly-sized pregnant friends if any have items available they’re willing to lend or sell you if possible.

3. Consider The Season

Shopping for clothing for baby can be exciting but can quickly become daunting when there are so many outfits to purchase. Keep in mind that babies outgrow clothing quickly so only purchase what will meet their needs in terms of quantity and frequency of usage.

First-time moms-to-be may get too excited and purchase all their maternity wear at once, which could end up becoming too small by Month 6/7 or not provide adequate warmth/cooling.

Choose stores that provide an assortment of sizes and styles, so you can find clothing that will best serve you throughout your pregnancy. Stores such as Motherhood Maternity, A Pea In The Pod and PinkBlush provide stylish yet comfortable maternity pieces for purchase.

When purchasing maternity clothes, opt for fabrics that are lightweight and breathable to avoid itching during your second and third trimester. Tight clothing may cause uncomfortable itching that may affect you during this stage of your gestation.

4. Buy Gender-Neutral Clothes

No matter our preference for dresses or tops in vivid hues, gender neutral clothes can often be more practical for both mom and baby. Gender neutral clothes provide greater reusability for later children or reselling on resale markets; further extending their value.

Consider purchasing gender-neutral clothing during holiday sales or end of season clearances so you can stock up without splurging too much. This way you’ll have plenty of seasonal pieces without straining your budget too much.

Fabrics that are easy to wash should also be prioritized, since babies require new outfits each day and you don’t want your little one stuck wearing clothing that needs special laundering conditions or takes too long to dry. Try fabrics like linen that can be machine washed and dried quickly as well as elastic styles that make changing easier – quick change outfits make life so much simpler! Finally, UpChoose provides a great option that provides organic gender-neutral clothing from their subscription service that can keep up as your child gets bigger – providing you with complete wardrobe as your baby grows with age!

5. Buy Clothes That Are Easy To Wash

An investment in quality maternity jeans is well worth making as you will wear them throughout your pregnancy (and postpartum), and should also include maxi dresses with adjustable waists to grow with your bump. In particular, look out for double zippers with two pulls, safety tabs, or elastics as this will make dressing both mom and baby much simpler.

Many maternity clothing brands provide expectant mothers with clothing in various styles and price points to meet the needs of all expectant mothers, such as a Pea in the Pod, which offers clothing “designed to address almost every pregnancy-related wardrobe challenge,” such as jeans that grow with your bump or wrap dresses with nursing functionality.

Morgan Bienvenue of Style & Brand Consulting recommends Old Navy as an affordable clothing option, citing their button-down shirts as particular favorites as well as activewear, pajamas, and dresses – and there’s often sales to stock up on staple pieces without breaking the bank!


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