Managing Common Baby Discomforts

Managing Common Baby Discomforts

Find out how to manage common baby discomforts such as nausea, reflux, colic, diaper rash, and teething. Get tips and advice from experts and other parents.

If your baby is crying uncontrollably for hours at a time, schedule an appointment with a physician to get them checked out and ensure there isn’t an underlying health problem causing their distress. They can perform a physical exam to evaluate the situation further and make any necessary recommendations.

Colic is a condition in which an otherwise healthy infant experiences prolonged bouts of inconsolable crying that are difficult to soothe, without apparent reason. Babies suffering from colic may clench their fists, arch their backs or pull their legs up towards their bellies during these fits of crying.

Baby Discomforts: Food Sensitivity

Most colic symptoms appear to be related to gastrointestinal discomfort. This could be caused by swallowed air entering their system and creating gassy and tight feeling tummies in infants and toddlers alike. Sometimes altering their diet may help alleviate colic symptoms; consult your pediatrician if episodes of excessive crying persist despite making changes to it.

Your doctor can diagnose colic by taking a history and physical exam of your baby, checking to ensure there are no other potential causes such as reflux or hernia. Laboratory tests or scans may also be necessary depending on his/her age and other signs of the problem.

If your baby is reacting negatively to certain foods, they could experience symptoms similar to colic like bloating, gas, abdominal pain and diarrhea. You can work with your GP on creating an elimination plan which involves temporarily restricting certain items for up to one month and gradually reintroducing them one by one to see if any reactions arise; though this process may prove challenging and requires lots of planning and discipline from new parents; your GP can refer you to a dietician for additional support if necessary.

Baby Discomforts: Tummy Discomfort

Your baby may seem content for weeks before suddenly crying incessantly – this is known as colic and usually affects infants within their first three to six weeks of life.

Colic is not a medical condition; rather it refers to periods of uncontrollable crying that can be extremely distressful for both parent and baby. You may suspect your infant of colic if they cry more than three hours per day on at least three separate days and this crying starts around the same time each day or week.

Babies who suffer from colic often seem distressed and their cries differ significantly from typical infant crying. They may clench their fists, arch their back or pull up on their legs as if trying to relieve gas pain; some even spit up or have bloody stool.

Some babies find comfort from having pressure applied to their tummies through rocking or “colic carry,” where you wrap the baby against your bare skin while massaging their back and tummy. You could also try placing them facing forward in a baby carrier where their tummy rests against your chest.

Whenever possible, it may be beneficial to request that friends and family step in when your baby starts crying, giving you time to take a breather and unwind while soothing both yourself and baby at the same time.

Baby Discomforts: Overstimulation

Crying is a natural expression of infant needs and can become distressing when not addressed promptly. At times it becomes overwhelming when parents cannot soothe their baby’s overstimulation; overstimulation may occur at any age – toddlers and preschoolers frequently experience it after playing too hard or attending extracurricular activities.

Overstimulation in children can be difficult to pin down, but it could be noise, light, touch or too much activity that’s the root of their distress. One way you can reduce overstimulation is to take them somewhere quieter or darker like their crib or dark room in your home; use white noise, vibration or massage therapy, rub their back for comfort or use white noise or vibration devices such as white noise generators (white noise is great – and vibration too), burp regularly while feeding if swallowing air can become overstimulated – or provide doses of simethicone or over-the-counter colic medication such as simethicone to relieve trapped air bubbles (colic medicine will do).

Your doctor can determine whether or not your baby has colic by performing a physical exam and reviewing their history, and may run tests to rule out other medical concerns.

Baby Discomforts: Sleep Issues

Colic, or prolonged crying without obvious causes, can be distressful for both parents and babies alike, yet rarely poses any harm or has any bearing on your infant’s health or temperament – indeed, most experts believe all infants experience it at some point during their development.

Your doctor will use various diagnostic tools to ensure no underlying issue is causing discomfort for your baby, such as physical exams and reviews of their history. They may also conduct laboratory tests or scans if they believe there may be something more pressing like a bowel obstruction to address.

Once your doctor has given an accurate diagnosis, there are various methods available to you for helping reduce colic. Feed your baby smaller meals more frequently or consider switching the type of formula (check with your pediatrician about food sensitivity). Rock them in either a chair or your arms gently rocking side to side while rocking gently from side to side or massage their back and tummy gently while using white noise or recording of their heartbeat as a form of soothing noise.

Make sure to take time for yourself as well when dealing with a colicky baby. Find ways to relax for just a few minutes each day – maybe going for a stroll around the block, reading a book, or asking someone for assistance can all be great ways of giving yourself some much-needed respite and preventing an overwhelming situation from developing further.


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