Effective Techniques for Soothing a Crying Baby

Effective Techniques for Soothing a Crying Baby

Learn essential techniques for calming - soothing a crying baby with Reproductivia’s guide covering swaddling, holding, shushing sounds, gentle jiggling, and suckling.

The crying of a new baby can be very distressing. However, it’s important to remember that babies are only crying because they have to communicate a need.

The good news is that most babies can be soothed very easily with some simple techniques. Many researchers have found that infants tend to calm more quickly when being rocked or moved around.


Newborns often cry when they are hungry, wet or tired. They may also spit up or need to be burped. If you have ruled out these reasons for the baby’s crying, you can try a few soothing techniques to help calm them.

Swaddling a baby is one of the most effective ways to soothe them. Experts believe that swaddling creates a cozy feeling similar to the womb, which helps infants settle and sleep longer. It is important to note that swaddling should not be too tight, as it could cause babies to overheat. A safe swaddle should wrap the entire body from the head to the feet, leaving only a few fingers worth of space between the baby and the blanket.

Other calming strategies include placing your infant in the crib or playpen without any loose blankets or stuffed animals. You can also try skin-to-skin contact, known as kangaroo care, and gentle rocking. Some infants are calmed by noise, so try playing soft music or a white noise machine. Other parents have reported success with baby massage, although you should always consult your pediatrician before trying this technique.


The sound of a crying baby can be unnerving to new parents. For a first time mom like Jana Davis, who lives in Norfolk, Virginia, it can be particularly difficult because of lack of sleep and rapid hormone changes. However, it is important to remember that all babies cry and that cries are normal. It’s also a good idea to take some time to calm yourself down. Try taking a walk or putting your infant in a stroller to get some fresh air.

Babies can cry for many reasons, including being hungry, wet, tired, lonely or overstimulated. It’s helpful to know what a baby’s different cries mean so that you can address the problem right away. Often, just holding the baby can help them feel more comfortable and safe. Many newborns enjoy being rocked, similar to the feeling they had in the womb. Researchers found that a baby is more likely to stop crying when they are carried around or rocked, rather than being seated in a chair or put in their cot. They based their conclusions on the “transport response” observed in altricial mammals, such as cats and dogs, where infants become more passive and develop slower heart rates when their mothers carry them.

Making a shushing sound

Whether it’s during the day or at night, soothing your baby can feel like an all-consuming job. Crying is your newborn’s only means of communication, and it can sometimes seem like a constant noise that never stops. But it’s important to remember that crying is normal, and there are several ways you can help calm them.

Many babies respond to rhythmic whooshing sounds that remind them of the womb. You can try using a fan, a white noise machine or a CD player with soothing music or nature sounds. Or, you can try a new sound-calming app called Wooshh, which uses advanced music mastering and premium sound chips to deliver near CD-quality audio. The app has two calming water sounds (stream or heavy rain) as well as a cleverly-crafted womb sound with pink noise, heart beat and swooshing noises to authentically recreate the soothing environment that your baby was in during pregnancy.

Some babies also benefit from being rocked or carried. Research shows that babies cry less when they are held and swayed in a chair or stroller. Just make sure to always hold your baby securely and use the safety straps on any car seat or stroller that you are using.

Gentle jiggling

A gentle jiggling motion can help a baby feel secure. This is similar to the rocking technique, but it’s less intense and can be done while a baby is in your arms. You should make sure that the jiggling motion is small and stays in line with the infant’s body, as this can prevent shaken baby syndrome. This is also an excellent way to get babies to sleep.

When your baby is crying, take a deep breath and try to relax. Infants can sense stress and anxiety, which will increase their crying. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, ask your partner, friends or family members for help. This will allow you to focus on soothing your baby and not worry about the rest of your day.

Crying is a natural part of life for babies and toddlers. Some babies cry a lot, while others are hard to soothe and may cry for extended periods of time. If your baby’s crying becomes a serious concern, call her pediatrician for advice. She will probably recommend a variety of soothing techniques, including swaddling, holding, making a shushing sound and gentle jiggling.


Many babies find comfort from suckling, either with their mother’s breast or a pacifier. The suckling helps them to feel content and secure, which is why many parents consider suckling “the icing on the cake” of soothing techniques.

Some babies cry because they have colic, a condition that causes them to scream for hours at a time. This can be incredibly stressful for new parents, but most infants outgrow colic after some time. If your baby’s crying seems out of the ordinary, it is worth speaking to a doctor as they may be suffering from illness or injury.

It’s important to remember that if you’re feeling overwhelmed, it is okay to ask for help from your partner, family, or friends. It is also important to never shake a baby, as this can cause severe head injuries that can lead to permanent brain damage and even death. Shaken baby syndrome is most often caused by frustrated and angry parents or caregivers who shake their infant to get them to stop crying.


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