Best Foods to Eat During Pregnancy

Best Foods to Eat During Pregnancy

Nourish your pregnancy with the best foods! Explore a guide to optimal nutrition during this special time. Empower yourself with insights into the best foods for a healthy and vibrant pregnancy.

Although it isn’t accurate to eat for two, pregnant women do require increased nutrients during gestation. To meet your nutrient requirements efficiently and stay healthy during gestation, aim for a variety of nutritious food from all five food groups and avoid beverages with added sugar, caffeine or fat content.

Lean meats provide protein and iron that babies require for growth, while leafy green vegetables contain calcium, potassium, folate and fiber. Berries provide essential hydration and antioxidant benefits.


An optimal pregnancies requires a diet high in protein. According to Oregon Health & Science University registered dietician, it’s best to get your proteins from across different food groups such as dairy, fruits, vegetables, lean meats and grains – and limit fatty and sugary food items or those which provide “empty calories,” like candy, chips or soda.

Pregnant people should aim to consume 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of their pre-pregnancy bodyweight; this should account for 20-25% of their caloric intake.

Protein-rich foods for pregnant people to consume during their pregnancy include milk, yogurt, cheese and paneer; eggs; legumes such as chickpeas, split peas lentils kidney beans tofu etc; nuts like brazil nuts pistachios almonds etc; low mercury fish such as salmon or trout and brazil nuts are highly recommended as an important source of folic acid, iron and calcium – essential nutrients that may prevent birth defects – in these food items. Folic acid in particular provides numerous health benefits while iron helps protects against birth defects by helping develop cells around its source.


Fruits provide your baby with essential vitamins and nutrients; however, not all are safe to eat while pregnant. Read on to discover some of the top fruits safe during gestation.

Citrus fruits such as oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C and help pregnant women absorb iron more effectively, which is essential to their growing baby. They also boost immunity and prevent constipation during gestation, while mangoes with their fibre and A and C content provide additional health benefits during gestation.

Pineapples, avocados, pomegranates and strawberries are also good choices during gestation. Bananas provide folate, vitamin B6 potassium magnesium while also helping regulate sodium levels and helping prevent nausea or vomiting in some women.

An diet rich in fruits and vegetables should also include lean proteins (such as beans), whole grains, low-fat dairy and healthy fats such as olive oil or nuts. Try to steer clear from eating foods high in saturated and trans fats which could potentially harm fetuses.


Foods rich in protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables are ideal during gestation; your healthcare team can assist in developing an eating plan including prenatal vitamins.

Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli offer many nutritional benefits including antioxidants, calcium, iron and folate as well as high amounts of protein, potassium and vitamin K. When possible try eating them raw or lightly cooked to retain as many of the beneficial vitamins and minerals they offer.

Strive to include vegetables at each meal. Aim to consume 2 – 3 cups of veggies daily and avoid those high in saturated fat and sodium content.

Dairy foods such as milk and yogurt can meet increased protein and calcium needs during gestation, so opt for low-fat options with limited added sugars. Eggs provide protein, B vitamins and choline. When choosing eggs as a source of these essential nutrients, choose either hard-boiled, poached, boiled hard-boiled or poached for best results (raw eggs carry listeria risks); ensure every meal includes vegetables; choose protein foods from lean meat sources with moderate healthy fat amounts as well as moderate portions of “empty calories”, cakes cookies and sugary beverages


Many pregnant women are advised against eating seafood during gestation as it contains mercury – an element that is known to harm unborn babies – yet seafood provides great sources of protein, iron and healthy fats that could actually benefit a developing fetus.

Choose pregnancy-safe seafood options like salmon and canned tuna that are low in mercury content and packed with nutrition such as omega-3 DHA, calcium, zinc, vitamin D and iron. Other pregnancy-friendly seafood choices may include shrimp, crab meat, oysters or clams.

Avoid large seafood such as shark and swordfish as they contain high levels of mercury and can harbor listeria bacteria that could potentially lead to foodborne illness. Also steer clear of deli meats, hot dogs, dry sausage and smoked fish that could contain bacteria that cause foodborne illness.

Staying hydrated by drinking fluids such as water, milk and low-fat yogurt can help ease morning sickness and nausea, prevent dehydration which could result in preterm labor as well as alleviate morning sickness symptoms.


Pregnancy requires additional protein, calcium, iron and essential vitamins – dairy foods like milk, cheese, fromage frais and yoghurt are rich sources of these vital nutrients – just make sure that wherever possible you choose low-fat versions.

Sashimi and raw steak should be avoided due to the risk of salmonella, listeria and Toxoplasma contamination. Furthermore, stay away from smoked seafood such as anchovies and herring as these contain pollutants which could potentially harm your baby.

At least twice every week, aim to enjoy oily fish like salmon, trout, mackerel and herring (cooked only!). You can also opt for canned salmon (Salmon Pollack Skipjack), crab meat oysters mussels and clams from stores as these should all have been refrigerated properly for storage before purchasing or eating raw or partially cooked eggs as these can contain Salmonella bacteria – only consume eggs that have been produced under the Lion Code and come stamped with its red lion logo for best safety!


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