Choosing Between OB/GYN and Hospital For Delivery

Choosing Between OB/GYN and Hospital For Delivery

Find the right OB/GYN or hospital for your delivery with Reproductivia’s guide on evaluating experience, certifications, hospital credentials, and personality.

Choosing an OB/GYN and hospital for delivery can be one of the first big decisions you make when you become pregnant. This is a doctor who you’ll spend a lot of time with – both during routine appointments and during major milestones – so you want to make sure the doctors and the hospital are a good fit.


When it comes to choosing an OB/GYN, the more experience a doctor has treating certain conditions or performing particular procedures, the better. Ask about their expertise with gynecologic cancer, infertility, adolescent gynecology and more.

The type of practice an OB/GYN is in may also have a significant impact on their ability to provide care. Community-based practices that are not affiliated with hospitals typically can handle most common gynecologic issues, but they will often refer patients to hospital-based specialists when necessary. This can be especially important in the case of high risk pregnancies and obstetrical complications.

If you plan to have a baby in the future, choose an OB/GYN who participates in your insurance provider network. This will save you money in the long run. If you do have a problem with your physician, consider having a frank conversation and exploring alternative options.

When you visit potential OB/GYNs, look for the ones that make you feel comfortable and understood. Their bedside manner is a good indicator of their overall demeanor. This is important, since you will be visiting them for very personal and intimate issues. Choose a doctor who will listen carefully to your concerns, keep your information confidential and deliver compassionate care.


If you want to become an OB/GYN, you need to major in medical science and complete a four year medical school program. After that, you have to do a four year residency program focused on obstetrics and gynecology.

After that, you’ll take a series of tests to get board certified. If you want to subspecialize, you can do so by doing additional training in areas such as urogynecology, reproductive endocrinology and infertility, benign gynecology and adolescent gynecology.

OB/GYNs can choose between working in private practice or at a hospital. In general, OB/GYNs in private practices make more money than those at hospitals. However, they also have to take more call and may see patients with less complex medical issues.

The best OB/GYNs are thorough and compassionate. Look for one who spends time answering your questions and explains things in a way that’s easy to understand. They should be willing to help you feel comfortable discussing sensitive issues with them, such as a pap smear or an abnormal vaginal bleeding.

Also consider whether you want a female or male OB/GYN. Some women are more comfortable with a physician of their gender, while others might feel inhibited or awkward about discussing personal matters in front of a man. However, gender shouldn’t matter when selecting an OB/GYN if you have a medical issue that requires professional attention.

Hospital Credentials

Finding the right OB-GYN is crucial for women’s physical, emotional, sexual, and reproductive health. This doctor will be privy to intimate details of women’s lives, so patients should evaluate their OB-GYN’s qualifications, communication style, and views on healthcare options that matter to them.

After medical school, most OB-GYNs complete a residency. This is an immersive experience that allows the OB-GYN to gain hands-on clinical experience in obstetrics and gynecology. This can take up to three years. During this time, OB-GYNs can choose a specialty or patient population that they want to focus on. Some even choose to complete a subspecialty fellowship to further their training in a particular field of gynecology.

Once an OB-GYN has finished their residency, they must pass a board certification exam to become certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. During this process, they submit case studies and test their knowledge in areas of obstetrics and gynecology.

When deciding between OB-GYNs, it’s important for patients to find out which hospitals they have privileges at. This will make it easier for them to deliver their baby, if needed. It’s also worth asking potential OB-GYNs where they delivered their own babies and whether they had any complications. In addition, patients should inquire about the doctor’s pain management policies and procedures. They should also ask if they offer the type of birthing method that best suits their preferences.


There are a few practical considerations to keep in mind when choosing an OB-GYN. For starters, you should look for someone who is in your insurance provider network. You should also make sure that they have hospital privileges at the location where you plan to deliver. You should also take the time to read their online biographies to learn about their education, training and areas of expertise.

Another important factor to consider is the OB-GYN’s personality. You will be sharing very intimate details of your life with this person, so it’s essential that you feel comfortable. You want to be able to trust that they will treat you with respect and compassion. Some people may prefer a physician with a serious demeanor, while others may find comfort in a more lighthearted approach.

OB/GYNs need to have strong communication skills in order to build relationships with their patients and answer their questions. They must be able to explain medical issues in a way that makes sense to the patient, and they should be able to listen carefully to what the patient has to say. OB/GYNs who are attentive to their patients can often detect underlying health problems that may not be immediately obvious.

Choosing an OB-GYN is a big decision that can affect the rest of your life. It’s important to take the time to find a doctor that meets all of your requirements, from office accessibility and insurance compatibility to personality fit.


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